Tuesday, March 16, 2010

When Music Became Relevant

Do you remember when a certain song became an official part of your soundtrack to your life? For me, there are so many songs, that I forget about them, until I hear them again, and then WHOOSH, the memory comes flooding back! It plays like a movie inside my head, every little detail, every emotion, good and bad, like it happened yesterday. Music is funny that way. I found a magical place called Lala.com and they seem to have EVERY song that is on my life soundtrack! So much fun. So much pain. I have heard songs that remind me of friends who have long since passed to the other side, and some too young and some too old. I remember great loves, heartbreak, crying, fantasizing and being bitch slapped back to reality. Some memories are just of me in my car I was driving at the time that the song or album or artist became a permanent part of my life, or riding in someone else's car when it became a memory. Some times a song would make me feel happy, sometimes angry, sometimes would console me, and sometimes would tell me to get over it. Music is funny like that. As Jerry Garcia sang "Lately it occurs to me, what a long, strange trip it's been" indeed.

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