Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Rat Race
Taking Steps...Leaps...Bounds
I must put an end to these nightmares. Staying awake until 5am every night/morning having the image of my new fat cat manager poking my back with a metal rod is no way to live. This is the time. This is always the time. When I start having nightmares about work, it's time to go.
I've always wanted to deliver pizza for a living. It certainly is less life-consuming than what I'm doing now. Just me and my car and the smell of awesome pizza. Why not? I'll see what my dreams have to say about it tonight and the moon is always honest with me.
I've experienced this before. The end of a chapter always begins with nightmares of continuing the chapter. I've never been one to stay stuck in a rut for too long. Yes, this could be really good.
The Randall to My Dante

Yep. Randall IS my hero...I wish I could spit water at stupid people. I don't think that my title dictates my behavior. However, my inner Dante is always behaving as his title dictates.
I have to find a new title. I have to find something to make both of them calm. They are at war right now. Also, I have my new boss, in my head, poking me with something my head, I can see him, with a metal rod, poking me in the back and smirking. "What DO you DO here???" And my Randall response is "Nothing" but my Dante response is "I am here because you pay me to be here, even though once I get here, there is nothing to do. But in case there is someone who needs something from me, I'm available." My inner Randall whispers "PUSSY".
Yes. Time for a new title.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Phase One Complete...Phase Two GO
Although I love my old people like I was obligated to love them, I have to move on. The new boss man is already questioning my worth and I cannot claim that just being here for support or someone to talk to is a valid reason to pay me by the hour. Sometimes they just want someone to talk to...who knows them. That is me. That won't change. They all have my cell number and know they can call me whenever, the fact remains, that in the eyes of the corporation, I am very close to obsolete.
It's funny...obsolete, me? I feel like I do so much, but when it comes down to making a list, most of the things I do, are supposed to be paid for through the concierge. I don't charge. The corporation likes to nickel and dime these people to death, until death, and I won't be a part of it. I do things to be nice. Because I'm capable of doing something that they cannot. If they choose to reward me, then great, but I never expect it. I only want to go to sleep at night, knowing that I did what I could do. Last night I couldn't get to sleep...I could feel my boss questioning my worth. I can't lose sleep over this. Must fix the problem. Stay Tuned.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The End of a Chapter
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
She was the toughest person I ever met. She lived for years without a pancreas! She had found out about her pancreatic cancer and told them to remove it...they warned her that people cannot live without a pancreas. She did for several years. She chose to live. She chose to die. I think she was ready to live another life in spirit, because her body was broken. She is still here. Still taking special care of her roses.
Destruction and Beauty

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
On the Slab
I think it will be fine. I think he is trying to scare me because he thinks I'm too young to make this decision. Too bad. My body, my choice.
While shaping my life to be what I want it to be, I must do what I have to in order to prevent anything getting in my way. Children would ruin my plans. Nope.
If I die on the table, I hope my legacy was worth something.
Hopefully I will be here to update my readers on Monday. If not, know I loved you.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Anticipating the Arrival of the Moon
Unhappy Servants Makes for Unhappy Customers
I remember working for what used to the Bon Marche, and somehow got stuck in the fine china department. Plates with platinum lining, were $100 each! There was no way I could convince anyone that I believed it to be worth the money. I didn't. I knew I was not in my element, so I clocked out for lunch, went out for a smoke, instead, got on a bus and went home. I had to go.
This job is all about the people. I believe they pay too much and that at times they are being swindled...I will not participate. These are real people, with feelings who are at a crossroads in their lives, and I will not see them as giant dollar signs. Nope. I will find a new source of employment before I try to be a sneaky, snaky bureaucrat.
The boss is a jackass. We all know it. We all see it. We are unhappy about it. The residents are unhappy that we are unhappy.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
My new boss at work is kind of, I'm not really sure. We had our first meeting with him and he said some good things, and is going to make the dining staff get CPR/First Aid certified, which they should have been when they got hired. But he is ignoring my building of independent living seniors. I brought up the concern that at night if someone has an emergency, the doors are locked and the medics cannot get in. I heard the usual response..."Well, they ARE independent." Yes, but they still pay a lot of money to live here, and one of the amenities is having 24-hour security and staff available. It only takes one bad night to turn a fully independent person into needing assisted living services. He took my pager away, and is going to leave all the paging to the caregivers, cause that worked out so well on Sunday, when NO ONE responded to a smoke warning...finally I had to do it, even though it was the other building. It makes me feel uneasy. It makes me want to leave. I am now waiting for something horrible to happen at night, after I leave. Sometimes it sucks to care so much. It really does.
I am applying for scholarships, grants and general breaks in tuition costs. I can take Anthropology courses online through OSU, and that would be fine. I do however, need to rethink my work. This place, these people take up so much of my life, I don't know that I will be able to hold on to the class information. Still working on it. I'm exhausted.
Looking forward to an old friend coming home.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Embracing the Chaos?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Buddha Ruse

Friday, April 9, 2010
When Nothing Helps important side note: Don't forget about the people you CAN count on. They are few and far between, but we all have a couple. Even when nothing they say makes it better...don't forget to find them when you need them.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Imagine the Tedium part I
The Difference Between Dancing and Foreplay
On my way home from work last night, I heard a Neil Young song, and remember the Harvest Moon video, where he was dancing with a lady, and they just danced. One hand had her hand and the other on her waist! Not her ass! It had had left no bad taste in any unsuspecting woman's mouth.