Sunday, April 18, 2010

Anticipating the Arrival of the Moon

28 days go by in between the cycles of the moon. It's no coincidence that many other aspects of life go in 28 day cycles, including my own emotional cycle...and no, I am not talking about menstruation...but rather, an emotional shift. I look for the moon, I try to make time every night to see where the moon is, where it rises and sets, how much of it is visible, I welcome it when it's full, I say out loud "Hello Moon!"...really, I actually do. Sometimes the moon gives me a wink, in which the air and cosmic energy is different, but it leaves it at that. Most of the time, the moon wreaks havoc on my world, along with the whole world. The energy is so intense that it can change my mood, it can push me down, step on me and walk away without guilt...onto the next victim. I don't know if other people feel the same about the moon as I do, but even with all of it's massive influence, I still love to see it. I love to follow it home. I love to watch life wake up in it's extreme light at night. I don't need a porch light, I have the moon. When the moon's power fades, a few days after it's greatest moment in it's own cycle, I feel normal again. Daily life returns, porch lights come on, routines resume. But a few days before the moon is full, when it starts to make it's presence known, it transforms me. It hypnotizes me. I see things in a different light, figuratively and literally. Flowers are at their fullest and brightest. Catastrophes are at their most horrible. My funny bone gets accidentally bumped on the corner of the door many more times. I cry more. I laugh more. I think more. I love more. I hate more. I contemplate more. I look around more. I look more closely. I smell more. I taste more. I crave more. Desire, I desire in a most intense way. (With regards to know when you have those dreams, where things are as vivid as they possibly can be? And at some point, it turns from a strange movie into a sex dream and you can feel every touch, smell every smell and you are almost to the point of a mind blowing orgasm but you wake up just before, and are left frustrated all day? Next time that happens, take a look to see where the moon has been and if the moon has an alibi for last night?!) And then that 28th day comes around and there it is, in all it's power and glory! The full moon...looking at me with it's ravenous energy...I have both a great respect and a great fear of it. I think I know what it is capable of...I've seen it at it's worse...haven't I? I've seen it at it's best...haven't I? Of course not, silly girl, you have only been around for about 370 moons...and for too long you gave it no notice and no it demands both. I will submit myself to it's power. I will give it what it wants. Or it will give me what I secretly want? Oh great Luna, you know exactly what you want from me...I wish you would clue me in ahead of time on occasion. I sound like a hippie...I don't care. There is plenty to be said about the power and influence of the moon.

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