No matter how terrifying life can be, there seems to be something beautiful about it as well. Today is one of those days. I almost crashed on the freeway today, but then I didn't, and was thankful. My heart was racing, and I was thankful. A volcano erupts in Iceland and although it put a stop on flights in and out of Europe for a while, this picture symbolizes how beautiful it can be. Some people saw this with their own eyes, and although at the time were dwelling on being stuck at the airport, I wonder if they will remember this spectacular vision! The last earthquake that we had here in Seattle, my Jade Buddha almost killed me...it dropped off a shelf above my head and landed on my pillow next to my head, and woke me up...the shaking didn't wake me up, the Buddha did. It was a memory that will never fade, so long as I have my Buddha. It's like he said "WAKE UP! There is an earthquake and you need to experience it!" It was scary. I was alone with my cats in a really old building and we swayed for a while, but I experienced it.
Today is the kind of day that I hold on to. I feel good. I feel like everything will be OK, no matter what. Everything is fine today. I'm looking forward to whatever the day brings. Because as I've learned from life, everything happens for a reason. Life is good.
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