Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Beginning of the End

Today is the beginning of my transition from "Go-To Girl" for these great seniors, to my days as "To-Go Girl" delivering pizzas. It's a strange feeling, but without even a little bit of regret. I'm looking to the future. Scouting apartment buildings around here when dog-walking, planning out my spending for the next few months. After talking to my co-workers who are having problems with the new boss, the same problems I was having before putting in my resignation, mind you, I am confident that leaving is the best way to keep my dignity and my relationships strong with my residents...who soon will not be MY residents, but will be my friends. The questioning of my "value" to the company would have continued until I walked out one day, but now, my boss knows that he lost someone with a lot of value and he's REALLY nice to me these days. Funny how life works sometimes...
On another note, a person I have been looking for from my past has finally been found. It's not a relationship that I want or need to pursue, however, he was someone who was a really big part of my life at one time, and for a long time, and instead of ending it properly, I just disappeared. It wasn't the right way to leave, but at the time, it was the only way. I really didn't think I could continue to have him as a part of my life and not continue to have a physical relationship with him, and at the time, I was just beginning a new relationship that I believed was "the final" relationship in my life. I promised my then, new boyfriend, that I would never see this particular lover again, (yea, I said 'lover', I could say 'fuck-buddy' but 'lover' sounds better), and so I made the promise and kept it...leaving behind someone who used to be a huge part of my world, however destructive. There was a couple of times I thought I loved this person, but it was just confusion...then again, the feeling of being in love might always be confusion for me as a mighty spinster, but I digress...he was important to me and I just dropped off the face of the earth to pursue an even more destructive 5-year relationship with someone who did FAR more damage. So thanks to Facebook, (Ah, how I love Facebook), I found him through some sneaky tactics and sent him a message, wishing him well, apologizing for disappearing but explained that I did what I thought I had to do at the time, and wished him health and happiness and left it at that. That was all I needed to say. Should be fine. Life really IS very funny sometimes. I will update you if there is anything to update. I forgot how beautiful he was...NO! *hitting myself with a rolled up newspaper* NO! ;)

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