The last time I bought tampons was in 2007, and aside from the ad from some company to tell me to "have a happy period", there was Tampax that was advertising compact tampons. Something you could keep in your pocket without telling the world you were on your period. Personally, it didn't matter to me, because the world always knows when I'm on mine...however, the fact that they were compact and could be taken with me easily were ideal. Now, in 2010, I go to buy the same tampons and they are called Pearl! The packaging, as you can see looks like a goddamn bouquet of flowers, and the tampons themselves are metallic purple! HEY TAMPAX! THESE ARE NOT ACCESSORIES! THEY SERVE A PURPOSE, THEY DO NOT NEED TO BE PRETTY!
Remember last month when my dad said something and it made my inner volcanic bitch rise up out of the shadows? Well, opening this box of tampons did the same. I couldn't even grab hold of one with all that extra packaging. So at work today, which is me, two girls and a kitchen full of guys, I'm having to hide one of these flowery tampons in my pocket, while doing my best to pretend like I was not achy and bitchy...and every time I saw one, it pissed me off all over again.
Tampax, you are idiots! And yes, they will be getting an email from me telling them so.
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