Friday, May 7, 2010

The Explosion

Sometimes it needs to happen. Too much pressure will always make things explode. Apologies to my readers for getting so intense, however, now that I've said what I needed to say, rather, written what I needed to write, I feel much better.
I woke up today, feeling hungover and wiped I slept for a little while longer and then felt better. I got the call today that I was expecting, and officially have a new job. I'm super excited. This new chapter in this spinster's life is going to be a great one. I've already decided that I will be paying off my debt, which isn't too big, and then hopefully by next year, I will be moving back to the city and out of the family house. I will be making enough to not only live alone, but live comfortably. It will be great.
Yes, indeed...this is going to be a wonderful year!

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