Sunday, December 19, 2010
My Trial
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Rhyme or Reason
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Brains and Beauty vs. Just Beauty
It's our duty. We are helping their future wives by teaching them what they need to know to satisfy their future wives who have probably not had much luck with man-made orgasms. Seriously...this is a REAL problem! I've kissed my fair share of nerds, I mean REAL nerds and the girls, if there were any, have failed me. Admittedly, I did not have the time or patience to spend a lot of time teaching them, and the last nerd (who wasn't really a nerd) was very skilled in all aspects. *sigh* Stay Focused Spinster!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I Know What Boys Like...At Least I Thought I Did.
I keep trying out new boys, and aside from my last fling with my FWB, they have all been disappointing. Boys do this thing where they have GIANT BALLS when it comes to text messaging and chatting. In some respect, we all do. However, these boys either chicken out when I call their bluff or show up and are not what I expected or are totally bizarre!
Guys are kind of "monkey-see, monkey-do" characters, so there is a certain list of things I expect to have to deal with thanks to the boys watching far too much porn. I can handle the, ya know, cumming on this or that, I don't really get how that makes it better, but whatever. No harm in it. That being said, I do not understand the more bizarre preferences. For instance, pulling my hair can be OK, not really something that does anything for me really, but if it helps the boy out, then fine. I have strong hair. Covering my mouth so I don't make any noise, including breathing, not so OK. I do not understand it and at that point, I am not sure how to deal with the rest of it. Do I make noise? Do I shut the fuck up?
Then! there is the "fluff girl" roll that is irritating. It really is. I know guys are always worried about cumming too soon, and learning to control yourself in order to go for a while longer is fine. But seriously guys, it does not need to go for more than an hour...really. AND I do not appreciate being snapped at and then you pointing to your dick, as in saying "fluff girl! we need a fluff girl!" Sorry, I am not a trained monkey. Also, when I DO CHOOSE to give a blow job, know this, if you hold my head down and keep trying to push it further down, I will stop. If you make it difficult for me to come up for air, I fill find a way...remember...I have teeth.
And so, at this point, I have given up on two, still trying for one and am keeping the first around for special occasions. He is so easy and agreeable.
Good lord. Spinsterhood is truly exhausting sometimes.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
What I Want
Ah. The life of a spinster. I would feel numb, if I didn't feel so fucking useless. Waste of oxygen.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Hahaha! Prayer!!!
Who even knows. Nothing I do seems to be the right thing to do.
There is an old boy...that I like but I don't think he likes me anymore, as I fucked things up the last time we tried this...and there is a new boy...who REALLY likes me...not ME, but likes looking at me. Is that good enough? It seems like it's really all I deserve. '
Who really wants to love a person like me? I'm so damaged. I don't know that I would want to love someone like me.
Haha. God. Prayer. It's all bullshit. It feels like it's all bullshit. I certainly don't feel any presence of God. I only feel sadness. Ah. The life of a spinster. So fucking useless. A waste of oxygen, really.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I Wish I Believed In Suicide...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Oh Spinster...What Are You Doing?
An Old Routine and A New Cast
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Crazy Cat Lady
With his death, life has changed. Sure we have two new kittens, who are full of mischief, but not Spike's brand of mischief. Oh no. No one can ever replace Spike. He was truly one of a kind and everyone he ever snuggled with continues to miss him, and will always look back on their time with him as unique and comical.
That was my boy. My little orphan that came into my life and turned it upside down. My mourning is winding down, though, I will never stop missing him, or laughing whenever I think of the quirky little things he did. But life must go on. And Lucy and Cleo need some guidance. And so begins the next chapter of the crazy cat lady. Thank you to those of you who stuck by me through this ugliness. You are true blue. Yea I said it.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Did You Ever Wonder How You Will Die?
Depression has set in and made itself at home. There is a bottle of Lorazapam in the bathroom that would do the job, if I so chose. But suicide is not an option for a martyr, oh no! I have a destiny. I have to suffer so others can live without suffering. I had a strange experience today. I am not christian. I have never been baptized. But while chatting with T, talking about how I suspected that I was, indeed, a martyr, somehow, "\my father" typed itself. I don't know why or how.
But I took it as a sign. how could I not? "it's gonna be, a glorious day, I feel my luck could change"
sometimes I wish for cancer or an aneurysm. And what if I choose otherwise???
Friday, October 8, 2010
A Wise Man Once Told Me...
Friday, October 1, 2010
For Spike

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
As It Turns Out...
All I need now is to spend the night with my man. My NOW man. The one who is easy.
I don't know that I can do what I agreed to do. I guess I AM a narcissist. Then again, it is MY blog, and therefore, shouldn't it be about ME?
I'm exhausted. Lucy has met Spike, Elijah and Fuzz, and in the next week I will bring her inside. I will also, in the next week, try like hell to forget about tonight. To forget about everything except what is happening NOW. It IS my blog. I will write what I feel, when I feel it. Whatever it may be. This is my legacy. My thoughts, written out for all to read. '
This spinster is indeed a narcissist. So be it.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Why Does There Gotta Be A Sacrifice?
That's what I thought...however, this new person in my life is surprisingly easy to sleep next to. He doesn't snore. He doesn't smell. He snuggles me when I cannot fall asleep. He is all around awesome and I am trying like hell NOT to look for the faults, and have been successful thus far! As he sleeps in my Missy's spot, I'm still happy that he's here. Missy will be fine. She will have me all to myself for the next few nights.
On a different note, the pizza business isn't paying off like I hoped it would. I have an opportunity to reenter the rat race and make a lot of money for it. Thanks M. So we shall see how that goes.
Hmm...a new boy, a possible new job, (if I make enough money) a new apartment?
I really am appreciative of my parents and all they have given me, however, I MUST get the fuck out of here! I'm 32 years old and I need my own space. Admittedly, when they were on the East Coast this last month, we had a great time without them. It was nice having freedom to do what we wanted, when we wanted, with whomever we wanted! Both J and I did not want them to come home.
I thought I was at a crossroads when I left my job with the old people, however, I think the crossroad is still presenting itself to me.
I lost an ex-resident the other day. It was the first time since I left there. So sad. I will be attending the catholic funeral on Wednesday, which will be around 4 hours, I presume. Ah well, it's worth it for Kathie. She was a lovely lady! I keep hearing her voice inside my head. She used to accidentally call me Miranda, even though she knew my name. I loved it. Her husband, now a widower, is also awesome and I hope he sticks around for a bit. They were married for a really long time, however, and who knows if he can get along without her. Growing old seems so unfair. Then again, if we didn't grow old, who knows if we would LEARN as much? I am convinced that with an open enough mind, by the time we get old, we know just about everything. The key is to keep the mind OPEN. Take it all in! Don't be satisfied knowing what you know! Must keep learning and growing, even though you feel too tired to keep learning. Is that the Murphy's Law people are always talking about? When you get to a certain age, you stop caring to learn anymore? Or do you simply know EVERYTHING you are ever going to KNOW for sure?
One thing I KNOW for that there is a sweet, wonderful man in my bed and I really want to go snuggle with him. Although, he stole my pillow, I will manage. He really IS a wonderful person. He helps me to forget about all the other lovers I've ever had. It's a really nice feeling. AND...I'm just going with the flow, not worrying about whether he will offer me a commitment or whatever. I'm having a great time. He's a great kisser and great in bed, and aside from that, what would having super high expectations get me? NOTHING. It would drive him away. So I make a conscious effort to just be myself. Funny how it takes so much work to be NORMAL!
Wish me luck. I'm off.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
What The Hell Am I Doing???
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Who Cares???
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Jealousy and Cynicism
Friday, May 28, 2010
To the Idea People of Tampax

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Narcotics...Truffle Brownies...Heating Pad.
So anyone who got any of my negative energy, again, I apologize, I didn't even realize that it was PMS. But there you go.
going back to bed.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Sibling Rivalry Continued...
He also got a piece of my mind about my brother's adventures in Mexico and his trips to cock fights and bull fights. Obviously by now you know how I feel about Animal Rights, it made me really unhappy that he attended such horrible dad says "he only went ONCE and he didn't like it!" *Sigh* He knew what it was, he shouldn't have gone at all. Especially with me as a sister. He will never be allowed to visit me in Africa, because he would be first in line to try Chimpanzee on a stick! I warned my dad that my passion trumps blood. Keep it in mind.
Now...I shall watch some Six Feet Under...I thought about Fight Club, but I'm not sure I'm up for a movie tonight.
Tomorrow is my first day of work...stay tuned!
The Lighter Side: Sibling Rivalry
Anyway...herbs are something we agree on...however, EVERYTHING ELSE is another matter entirely. Our conversations consist of me trying SO hard to find something intellectual to talk about, and his responses are always something critical and annoying. Cause he knows more than I do, cause so and so wrote an article or whatever. *rolling eyes* He went to live in Mexico for a while, teaching Korean kids how to speak English, yes, Korean kids. He came back even more condescending than before, something that my parents nor I thought possible.
I lost my train of thought...OH!
So, as you know, I got a new job. I'm going to be delivering pizzas for a very reputable and legitimate pizza company, locally owned and operated, voted best pizza in Seattle 20 years straight. It's pretty awesome. I'm pretty excited, especially now that my last day at the retirement community is over, I can focus on my next step. My brother is planning on owning and operating a taco truck. When I told my parents of my plans for my future they said "oh", they didn't say "OOOH!" just a simple "oh". When I interviewed and I knew I would be offered the job after they got my clear back round check, they said "oh, do they have benefits?" Yes, they do! When I got the call offering me the job, they said..."oh. good. make sure you get your doc to give you a three month supply of medicine." Even when I told them how much money I would be making and that I could pay off my medical bills, student loans, credit cards, go back to school, MOVE OUT OF THEIR HOUSE, they said while nodding their heads "good." Smile and nod. They obviously don't approve...too bad, I'm going to work my ass off and prove myself. So, the night my brother told them of his taco truck plans, at my dad's birthday dinner, their reaction was "Oh THAT'S SO COOL! When? Where? How?"
Essentially, we are going to be doing the same job...driving around, bringing people food. I will be working for a great 40 year old company that is notorious for being awesome, and I get "oh" and he will driving around at night feeding meat inside corn tortillas to drunk people and it's "OH! THAT'S SO COOL!" REALLY???
The moral of this story is, sibling rivalry never ends. But while my brother continues on his path to street food vendor, while living in a stoner pad with no windows, I will be finding a lovely apartment in a lovely neighborhood, with a balcony, washer and dryer, lots of windows for my cats to sit in, and lots of people around, to move into, and live comfortably. So there!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
A Lonely Spinster
Being here at this job was a part of it, it's an exhausting place to be, and I never have enough money to go do anything. This is my last week here, and I couldn't be more ready. I've met several people at my new job, and they are all really cool people. I'm ready to be around more people. I'm ready to see my friends in person, and not just on FB. Once I get it out of my system, I will calm down some, but until then, I can't seem to control myself. Overwhelming numbers of text messages are being sent to the few people who I've connected with, and I'm afraid I might be driving them back into the "only on FB" world. Not good.
I think I'll start this week. Until then, anyone who gets too many texts, I'm trying like hell NOT to send out messages, but I apologize for them now.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
And So It Begins...
When I was young, and still a virgin, I was SO oblivious to the compliments and gestures from guys. As it turned out, 95% of the guys I thought were just my friends ended up expressing their desire or LOVE for me later in life. It was overwhelming at first, but now I look back and think of the possibilities, rather than missed opportunities. There is such a thing as a missed opportunity, but sometimes, it's just something that wasn't right at the wine.
So now I'm texting with this one, and he's kids, no wife or ex-wife, and just as adorable as he used to be. Hmm? Again, stay tuned!
Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde
I have learned a few things through the years...a few rules.
1. No sex with friends or boyfriends of friends. 100% off limits.
2. Condoms are a must.
3. No, you can't have my phone number.
4. Follow my instincts.
How very exciting.
Spinster In Distress!
Now, however, starting a job where I will actually be making enough money to live alone, comfortably, in the city, (sorry S), with many bars around town, many people, many men, I am already starting to plan out conquests. I know me better than anyone else does and I know that I am opportunistic when it comes to sex. I have been living in a safe place, where pre-marital sex is forbidden, yes really, and therefore there hasn't been any...but living alone in my own place, with my own rules, with so much freedom...well, this spinster will take full advantage of the geography. As I've said MANY times, I am not looking for a relationship, I am not looking to date, I am not at all looking for that leaves me in a confusing place. I know what I should and shouldn't do...I know right from wrong...but that doesn't always stop me from doing something that I might feel bad about later, in fact it RARELY stops me. I'm impulsive, neurotic and demanding. I want what I want, or want who I want, and don't think about it until later. At least, that is how I used to be...Am I still that way? Does freedom to live the way I want mean that I will act on my impulses? Those people who knew me long ago during my bar slut phase, know damn well that I am capable of it...but haven't I grown? Have I changed? Only with time will we have the answer...this little blog of mine is about get interesting.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Update...Sort of.

This image is my ex-boy toy's info page on FB. HAHA! He may be gorgeous, but that is about all he has going for him. Now, he's just eye candy. It's's a really good thing, because this is exactly the reason I posted on CL for nerdy guys. I have to be around people with brains, I just HAVE to. Oh sure, pretty people are nice to look at, but it only goes so far for me. He's married and has two offspring, (yay for breeders!) and is exactly the type of person my friend and I were just talking about...American Idol after a nice dinner at Applebees. Yup. It's almost sad. I won't worry about it, I just am happy that I'm not a part of it, and never will be again. I will continue to look, however :)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
IS Chivalry Dead? Or is Chilvary Temporary?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Oh Me, Oh My
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The Beginning of the End
On another note, a person I have been looking for from my past has finally been found. It's not a relationship that I want or need to pursue, however, he was someone who was a really big part of my life at one time, and for a long time, and instead of ending it properly, I just disappeared. It wasn't the right way to leave, but at the time, it was the only way. I really didn't think I could continue to have him as a part of my life and not continue to have a physical relationship with him, and at the time, I was just beginning a new relationship that I believed was "the final" relationship in my life. I promised my then, new boyfriend, that I would never see this particular lover again, (yea, I said 'lover', I could say 'fuck-buddy' but 'lover' sounds better), and so I made the promise and kept it...leaving behind someone who used to be a huge part of my world, however destructive. There was a couple of times I thought I loved this person, but it was just confusion...then again, the feeling of being in love might always be confusion for me as a mighty spinster, but I digress...he was important to me and I just dropped off the face of the earth to pursue an even more destructive 5-year relationship with someone who did FAR more damage. So thanks to Facebook, (Ah, how I love Facebook), I found him through some sneaky tactics and sent him a message, wishing him well, apologizing for disappearing but explained that I did what I thought I had to do at the time, and wished him health and happiness and left it at that. That was all I needed to say. Should be fine. Life really IS very funny sometimes. I will update you if there is anything to update. I forgot how beautiful he was...NO! *hitting myself with a rolled up newspaper* NO! ;)
Friday, May 7, 2010
The Explosion
I woke up today, feeling hungover and wiped I slept for a little while longer and then felt better. I got the call today that I was expecting, and officially have a new job. I'm super excited. This new chapter in this spinster's life is going to be a great one. I've already decided that I will be paying off my debt, which isn't too big, and then hopefully by next year, I will be moving back to the city and out of the family house. I will be making enough to not only live alone, but live comfortably. It will be great.
Yes, indeed...this is going to be a wonderful year!
Dear Parents... Wonderland?
It's just how I'm feeling tonight. I'm on my 5th beer and going to finish the 6-pack. Then going to watch the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland. Then will hopefully have animated dreams that make sense of this crazy world.
Here's to hoping!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
A Very Merry Unbirthday to You

This country and all of it's crazy antics and the crazy antics of it's people is beginning to make me feel as confused as when I read Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass. much absolute nonsense is crammed into the day, it makes my head hurt. This civil rights issue with the immigration and Joe Leiberman asking to take away citizenship if you are associated with questionable groups, the back and forth...the angry tea partyers against the ever growing angry "regular" people. Nonsense against Common Sense. Again, it reminds me of the nonsense that came out Lewis Carroll's head...The Lion and the Unicorn...fighting in a giant cloud of dust...
You can read it for yourself.
`The Lion and the Unicorn were fighting for the crown:
The Lion beat the Unicorn all round the town.
Some gave them white bread, some gave them brown;
Some gave them plum-cake and drummed them out of town.'
`Does -- the one -- that wins -- get the crown?' she asked, as well as she could, for the run was putting her quite out of breath.
`Dear me, no!' said the King. `What an idea!'
EXACTLY! All of this nonsensical fighting isn't doing anyone any good! It's a futile fight! Elephants against Donkeys, fighting for something that neither of them will ever own! What an idea! What an idea indeed! It never never will end. But how do we make sense of it? Really? There is a Jewish congressman trying to take away our basic rights as a citizen? Of being a citizen if we read the wrong newsletter or book or email the wrong person?? A JEWISH congressman?? Does he not realize that that idea is SO Third Reich-esque that it is sickening?
None of it makes any sense. The teapartyers are just as absurd as the Mad Hatter and March Hare...before they are even really gaining momentum of fighting a battle, they lose interest and move on to something else. "CLEAN CUP, CLEAN CUP, MOVE DOWN!"
And somewhere Keith Olbermann is the Chesher Cat telling us to stop trying to make sense of all of this and just go with it.
The rest of us are Alice, incapable of dealing with so much nonsense, more than any person can digest. And we get discouraged and wiped out. So exhausting! Everyday is the start of a campaign. Imagine just ONE birthday every year! Ah, but there are 364 UNbirthdays, precisely why we're gathered here to cheer! I guess so. Everyday is something else. Some more nonsense to try to comprehend.
It's too much. These days Rachel Maddow isn't even able to talk me down from my confused and aggravated state. I just get more aggravated and then drink. And then try to conclude some metaphor in order to make any sense out of any of it. It's barely keeping me afloat. Barely.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
I would think that once the fallopian tubes are blocked off, the ovulation process should cease. It really should. However, as nature has shown us time and time again, that no matter how much we fuck with it's course, it will always win in the end. Maybe my body is making up for lost time due to my own messing with nature through birth control pills for the last 3 years? I don't know. I do know that I am not happy. Chocolate helps boys! It truly does. For 10 minutes today I forgot that I was in agony and enjoyed a rich, chocolaty lava cake. I felt giddy and the last time I menstruated and my mom gave me an Oxycontin. Bliss! No pain! No worries! And then it was over.
I went to the store to buy my "products" and had been out of the loop so long, I forgot the brand and type I preferred. I did however, find a PMS medicine that was made my a company that figured out that putting a mild sedative in the medicine would decrease the chances of a's brilliant really. So I take two of those every 4 hours or so, and I might can manage the rest with other pills. Ibuprofen. Acetaminophen. Aspirin. Careful when you stand up, make sure everything is in place! FUCK.
This is mother nature at her worst. Cruel and unusual punishment for what?? For being female? It's not right! Stella Artois helped a little. But I don't even have the proper underwear for this anymore. Must make a trip to Target to get my "Period underwear"...yes that's right boys...we have to have special underwear that can be abused and stained by mother nature in all her cruelty. Bitch. And you too MOON. You also are a BITCH. And thanks to both of you, SO AM I!
Wish me luck on my job interview tomorrow. I want to call and reschedule, but I that would give the impression that I ALWAYS call in sick when I'm bleeding. Which I don't. This job could be perfect...I only have to use my good customer service skills for about 5 minutes for each customer. I will spend most of my time in my car and can be a bitch there, and fake it for 5 minutes at a time. It will be good. I can fake it through my interview. I COULD call and say that this is my first period in 3 years, so it's particularly horrible, but no, too much information for a guy who might be my boss. He doesn't deserve that. It will be fine.
Ok, I've officially been sitting in this position for too long and must stand up, slowly, and go back to bed and finish watching Weeds. Careful, careful, ok.
Disclaimer: I thought about apologizing in advance for this to my male readers, but fuck don't have to experience it, and might learn a thing or two from my brutal and graphic honesty. Chocolate. Chocolate. Keep your mouth shut. Chocolate. You're welcome.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Rat Race
Taking Steps...Leaps...Bounds
I must put an end to these nightmares. Staying awake until 5am every night/morning having the image of my new fat cat manager poking my back with a metal rod is no way to live. This is the time. This is always the time. When I start having nightmares about work, it's time to go.
I've always wanted to deliver pizza for a living. It certainly is less life-consuming than what I'm doing now. Just me and my car and the smell of awesome pizza. Why not? I'll see what my dreams have to say about it tonight and the moon is always honest with me.
I've experienced this before. The end of a chapter always begins with nightmares of continuing the chapter. I've never been one to stay stuck in a rut for too long. Yes, this could be really good.
The Randall to My Dante

Yep. Randall IS my hero...I wish I could spit water at stupid people. I don't think that my title dictates my behavior. However, my inner Dante is always behaving as his title dictates.
I have to find a new title. I have to find something to make both of them calm. They are at war right now. Also, I have my new boss, in my head, poking me with something my head, I can see him, with a metal rod, poking me in the back and smirking. "What DO you DO here???" And my Randall response is "Nothing" but my Dante response is "I am here because you pay me to be here, even though once I get here, there is nothing to do. But in case there is someone who needs something from me, I'm available." My inner Randall whispers "PUSSY".
Yes. Time for a new title.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Phase One Complete...Phase Two GO
Although I love my old people like I was obligated to love them, I have to move on. The new boss man is already questioning my worth and I cannot claim that just being here for support or someone to talk to is a valid reason to pay me by the hour. Sometimes they just want someone to talk to...who knows them. That is me. That won't change. They all have my cell number and know they can call me whenever, the fact remains, that in the eyes of the corporation, I am very close to obsolete.
It's funny...obsolete, me? I feel like I do so much, but when it comes down to making a list, most of the things I do, are supposed to be paid for through the concierge. I don't charge. The corporation likes to nickel and dime these people to death, until death, and I won't be a part of it. I do things to be nice. Because I'm capable of doing something that they cannot. If they choose to reward me, then great, but I never expect it. I only want to go to sleep at night, knowing that I did what I could do. Last night I couldn't get to sleep...I could feel my boss questioning my worth. I can't lose sleep over this. Must fix the problem. Stay Tuned.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The End of a Chapter
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
She was the toughest person I ever met. She lived for years without a pancreas! She had found out about her pancreatic cancer and told them to remove it...they warned her that people cannot live without a pancreas. She did for several years. She chose to live. She chose to die. I think she was ready to live another life in spirit, because her body was broken. She is still here. Still taking special care of her roses.
Destruction and Beauty

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
On the Slab
I think it will be fine. I think he is trying to scare me because he thinks I'm too young to make this decision. Too bad. My body, my choice.
While shaping my life to be what I want it to be, I must do what I have to in order to prevent anything getting in my way. Children would ruin my plans. Nope.
If I die on the table, I hope my legacy was worth something.
Hopefully I will be here to update my readers on Monday. If not, know I loved you.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Anticipating the Arrival of the Moon
Unhappy Servants Makes for Unhappy Customers
I remember working for what used to the Bon Marche, and somehow got stuck in the fine china department. Plates with platinum lining, were $100 each! There was no way I could convince anyone that I believed it to be worth the money. I didn't. I knew I was not in my element, so I clocked out for lunch, went out for a smoke, instead, got on a bus and went home. I had to go.
This job is all about the people. I believe they pay too much and that at times they are being swindled...I will not participate. These are real people, with feelings who are at a crossroads in their lives, and I will not see them as giant dollar signs. Nope. I will find a new source of employment before I try to be a sneaky, snaky bureaucrat.
The boss is a jackass. We all know it. We all see it. We are unhappy about it. The residents are unhappy that we are unhappy.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
My new boss at work is kind of, I'm not really sure. We had our first meeting with him and he said some good things, and is going to make the dining staff get CPR/First Aid certified, which they should have been when they got hired. But he is ignoring my building of independent living seniors. I brought up the concern that at night if someone has an emergency, the doors are locked and the medics cannot get in. I heard the usual response..."Well, they ARE independent." Yes, but they still pay a lot of money to live here, and one of the amenities is having 24-hour security and staff available. It only takes one bad night to turn a fully independent person into needing assisted living services. He took my pager away, and is going to leave all the paging to the caregivers, cause that worked out so well on Sunday, when NO ONE responded to a smoke warning...finally I had to do it, even though it was the other building. It makes me feel uneasy. It makes me want to leave. I am now waiting for something horrible to happen at night, after I leave. Sometimes it sucks to care so much. It really does.
I am applying for scholarships, grants and general breaks in tuition costs. I can take Anthropology courses online through OSU, and that would be fine. I do however, need to rethink my work. This place, these people take up so much of my life, I don't know that I will be able to hold on to the class information. Still working on it. I'm exhausted.
Looking forward to an old friend coming home.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Embracing the Chaos?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Buddha Ruse

Friday, April 9, 2010
When Nothing Helps important side note: Don't forget about the people you CAN count on. They are few and far between, but we all have a couple. Even when nothing they say makes it better...don't forget to find them when you need them.