Sunday, November 22, 2009

What NOW?

I talked to my very first boss today, from when I worked at a music store when I was 16 and we chatted for a while...then I suggested we go get a cup of coffee to catch up... He asked if I was single??? I think he took that as a "let's go get a drink/have a date" sort of thing. S'not good. I'm not trying to date him or anything...I just wanted to catch up with someone I admired. Can the spinster turn this in the direction she wants?! I think I can. Honesty works well. Just as long as it works better than the alcohol. God it's frustrating when you comes to terms with the fact that you are no longer a cool chick to the men in your life, but rather a possible fuck. I got this. I can handle it. Can't I?

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