Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Backstabbing Bitch

It seems to me that my boss had a plan...give her more work, she will throw a fit, and then we can fire her...ah, but I foiled their nefarious plan with enthusiasm. I believe that my boss is under the impression that I am after her job...Quite the contrary... I would rather be a janitor, than manage a place like this. So many issues and way too corporate to care enough to fix those issues. A certain resident did raise an interesting point, however, saying that the culprit of all these changes is a backstabbing bitch...OK, "backstabbing bitch" is my name for her, but she made the point, all the same. Yes, she is very sweet and cute, and asks me to do extra stuff and then checks, possibly even tries to sabotage my work...oh yes, I'm on the lookout for little things left in just the spot that I may not notice...I find them, suck them up with the vacuum or wipe them off. Yes, keep trying though backstabbing bitch, I will outsmart you every time. I wonder if there is anymore I can do to fool them into thinking I am being SUPER cooperative?? I'm sure I will think of something...already tonight I had to fix an bed sheet incident the backstabbing bitch overlooked. I fixed it and told the resident to tell the boss. Yes, I should definitely take this off my "Favorites". I will be focusing on this conspiracy and updating's important not to get too comfortable. I'm totally up for the battle of wits...Backstabbing Bitch vs. The Spinster. It's on!

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