Sunday, May 2, 2010


Well I got the job. As I came to work today, I felt a little sad, but also excited. Last night I was outside smoking, and I glanced at my reflection in the sliding door and I could see my eyes. My eyes were bright, and I hadn't seen that in a long time. Later as I brushed my teeth, I glance at myself again, and my eyes were bright and brown. For so long my eyes have been dull and lifeless. I didn't have makeup on, there was no good lighting...but there they were. My eyes. The eyes I remembered from before my ex sucked the life out of them...and before I spent my nights worrying about 200 old people. The light is back. This is going to be great. I can feel it. And I've already been offered a Lola sitting job, my part time dog. When making the decision to leave, I did take into account the animals that I've made such good friends with, it will be hard to leave Gabby, and she seems to already know that things are changing. Since her dad died, she spends most of the day with me at my desk. But she knows that I love her. And it turns out that at least 3 of my favorite residents are moving out as well, so it all just makes sense. Yes, change, at least this change is going to be good. And I get to dog sit Lola...that's her. This is gonna be great!

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