Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Corporate Gangstas

I find it difficult to relate with our corporate gangstas. They are like a different species, they dress differently, their hair is always perfect, makeup, shoes! Everything in it's place. It makes me wonder how long it takes them to get ready each day. Even the male corporate gangstas are immaculate. Me? My pants are frayed at the bottom of each pant leg, my shirt has small pieces of thread coming out of the stitching, my shoes are muddy, my hair in a ponytail with a business rubber band, you know, the kind that will inevitably get tangled in my hair later. My makeup? Mascara, that is all. These corporate gangstas are constantly trying to get me to join them, but just like in Beauty School, I am not one of them...I don't belong. I've been kicked out of that club many times, and am happy spending only 20 minutes getting ready for work each day. Low maintenance. I hope they don't spot the alfalfa sprouts stuck in my teeth! Ack. Here they come.

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