Tuesday, March 16, 2010


The thing about being a single woman, for me, a spinster and wishing to stay single, is that I am viewed as a threat to other women. I totally understand, but it doesn't suck any less. The thing women need to understand is that I have been on all sides of a bad relationship...I've been the mistress, I've been the cheater and I've been the cheated-on. I have no intention of ever being any of those again. Once upon a time, I was out for blood...out to destroy the beauty of relationships or what I considered to be delusions. Then I was in a relationship, (which turned out to be an actual delusion), and was threatened by another woman and she was the demise of the delusion. This was a horrible feeling, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone...OK, mostly. Nevertheless, I am no longer out to hurt people. I want people to be happy, even if I don't believe in relationships for me. Being in love and being loved is important for everyone, I will never be the one to destroy that...unless it is a dangerous situation that a loved one is in, then I will destroy it!

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