Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sterilization part III...True Colors

I had my doctor appointment today, and after a lot of arguing, my emotions got the best of me. I am a diabetic and therefore, cannot be pregnant, or give birth...chances are that it would damage my internal organs, my kidneys and pancreas, and then I wouldn't be much of a mother. I do not wish to be a mother, not to a human child anyway, but after an hour of explaining myself to my doc, finally it all broke down. I told him that I don't want to be put in a situation where I have to choose between my health or the health of my offspring. I am pro choice, but personally, am not sure if I could make that choice...I say I can, but when it comes down to it, would I be able to choose abortion? I have no intention of finding out. Lucky for me, my doc is male, and when I started to cry, he sympathized and will be checking with my insurance about getting my tubes tied. I want it done soon, and I want it to be permanent. I have no doubt that I will mourn my ability to give life, however, I intend to make life better for those who need my help the most. It's the animals that need someone like me to speak up and act for them. The animals who are adopted as children, who should be wild and allowed to be who they are...are kept in cages, underfed, dressed up in baby clothes and fed people food...and then when they reach maturity, and do what they do naturally, they are killed most violently. People shouldn't have access to such wild animals, and I intend to dedicate my life to that cause. Dogs and cats are already domestic, and even they can scratch and bite, but chances are they will not eat you. So, never mind my offspring, the line is tainted anyway. I was meant for bigger things. So long fallopian tubes, I hope you had a good run. Sorry to waste your time. It's over...very soon, it will be over.

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