Saturday, March 13, 2010


As a self-proclaimed spinster, I realize that I have given up on a lot of things in life that we as humans seem to strive toward. When I made my decision about my future plans in Africa, I was fully aware that I had just given up on ever getting married or having long lasting love. I'm not saying that I won't fall in love again, that seems to be something I cannot control (I hate that!). However, seeing as how my goal is to dedicate my life to save the lives of animals that need help, it doesn't mean that I don't mourn my sacrifice. I watch movies about love and happy endings, or growing old with someone and I can't help but mourn what I have chosen to sacrifice. Once upon a time, all I wanted was to get married and breed, but things change a person and that is okay! I know in my heart that I wasn't meant to do all of that...that there is a greater purpose for my existence, and yet, I still cry at the romantic scenes in movies and at real weddings, and not because I'm so happy that they lived happily ever after, but because I know it is something I will never experience. I cry because I grieve. The heart of a hopeless romantic paired with the mind of a spinster.

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